Market place, Sleaford

We carry out electrical work for many landlords in Sleaford and the surrounding villages and it is a real pleasure to be working with you, in fact we love this area of work as it is ensuring each landlord meets their legal obligations to their homes and tenants in terms of electrical safety.

The vast majority of landlords nowadays are keen to ensure that their tenants are happy- its not just the legal aspect, its the moral aspect in doing the right thing- 'Treat others as you wish to be treated' is an age old saying that we live by each day.

We are aware that there are landlords out there who don't co-operate when their tenants report a problem. Worse still some landlords do not carry out checks on the property which they should be doing as a legal requirement. Recently we attended a property where no electrical checks had been carried out and dangerous alterations had been made to the consumer unit. There was no RCD protection , the tenant had been using an extension lead to power multiple appliances and there was only one socket in the whole kitchen area. This all came to light (no pun intended) when an electric shower caught fire whilst in use-thankfully the tenant was unharmed.

That was just the electrical side of things!!!

If you are a tenant there are a few things you need to do to stay electrically safe in your home

• If there is a problem, please tell your landlord so they can arrange to have it sorted

• When using appliances always use common sense - don't use damaged electrical equipment

• Don't take electrical appliances into the bathroom

• remove plugs from the wall correctly- don't pull them out by the cable

• Allow access to an electrician if they have been asked to attend your home.

Before you move into a new property check that

• An Electrical installation condition report has been carried out confirming that the electrics are safe

• Any recent electrical works are certified and carried out in accordance with BS7671

• Any electrical appliances have an up to date PAT test label, have an instruction manual and are in good working order.

• Check switches and sockets for any damage

Most landlords are keen to ensure you are safe - if in doubt contact your local authority for help , they can enforce action on landlords who are not carrying out their duties.